The students of St. Albert the Great School will graduate this Friday morning, June 7, 1968.

Diplomas will be distributed at the 9:00 a.m. Mass, which will be offered for the intention of our graduates. Breakfast will follow the Mass in the new Multi Purpose Building.

Parents, relatives, friends, parishioners, teachers, nuns, and priests of the parish are all very proud of our graduates. In extending our congratulations to the Graduates, we also assure them of our prayers that God may guide, bless and help them in their future studies.

May their school efforts win for them a happy, prosperous, and fruitful life here and hereafter.

The members of the 1968 Graduating Class are:

Asciutto, George
Beaghan, Margaret
Becker, Robert
Bradford, Thomas
Breisinger, John
Calcaterra, Rose Marie
Cheladyn, Deborah
Carnecki, John
Dobrovich, David
Erickson, Janice
Fary, Frank
Faulhaber, Noreen
Frank, Joanne
Freda, Kathleen
Fry, Andrea
Gauci, Frank
Heidt, Sally
Janik, Gloria
Kenderski, Laura

Kendra, Susan
Kerchen, Karen
Leone, Catherine
Locher, Robert
Marijanovich, Bonnie
Marobito, Gaia no
McCarthy, Timothy
Miarka, Alicia
Miller, Richard
Mueller, Becky
Murphy, Cathy
Najor, Daniel
Newlin, Cheryl
Northrup, Donald
O’Rourke, Frank
Otlewski, Mark
Osaer, Mark
Paternoster, David
Peterson, Peggy Ann

Pruzzo, Diane
Puchowski, Mary Beth
Rajda, Carol
Rukstele, Ramona
Rysztak, Denise
Sheeran, Mary
Shepard, John B.
Sicilia, Francine
Siemiesz, David
Skonieczny, Denise
Sochacki, Susan
Uetz, Michael
Valentine, MaryAnn
Vecchioni, Michael
Vittone, Anthony
York, Daniel
Zawilanski, Rosemary
Zubres, Mary

The staff and faculty of
St. Albert the Great School