I think that it can be said that the parents of the Class of ’75 were part of the foundation of St. Albert’s the Great Parish and it would break their hearts to know that the parish they loved so much is no longer a part of the community. Regardless, their contribution will endure for all eternity in the sight of God. Whatever our parents’ gifts were they shared it with their children and they also shared it with the community. Our parents would be working the Bingo, or singing in the choir, or working a booth at the Festival, or playing the organ, or teaching a specialized class, or working lunch duty, or working the kitchen, or coaching sports, or cooking in the kitchen for special events, or working in the garden club, or contributing as members of the Dads Club, Parish Council, and Altar Society (see pics below, at least one little friend parent is in each pic). To all our parents a big THANK YOU!