St. Albert the Great School graduated 64 students, one of its largest classes, on
June 6th at the 9 o’clock Mass. Every detail was perfect, starting with a lovely
sunny day.

Graduation was the climax of the enthusiasm and Christian spirit that has
prevailed through the years.

Msgr. John A. Weier was assisted by Fr. Timothy Mock. The church looked so nice
adorned with fresh flowers. Sr. Linda’s music and the choir’s singing was just
beautiful and added much to the ceremony. Sr. Lucina, Sr. Elizabeth, and Miss
Patalan all worked so very hard to make this a wonderful graduation! Mr. Novak
made the beautiful corsages and boutonnieres worn by all the graduates. Then,
after the Mass, a delicious Pancake Breakfast was held honoring the graduating
class. This was co-chaired by Mrs. Allen and Mrs. Morris, and assisted by their
very able committee of 7th grade mothers and fathers.

Because of all of you, “Graduation Day” is now a perfect memory for all of us, and
a day we shall never forget. We’d like to take this opportunity to thank each of
you very much for all your help, work, and kindness, and for the beautiful
memories that we take with us as we leave St. Albert’s and enter High School.

May God Bless you all,
8th Grade Graduating Class of 1975
Published in the St. Albert Chronicle
June 29th, 1975

James Abell
Lisa Asciutto
Dianne Ball
Kelly Billel
Michael Borg
John Bova
Richard Ceglarz
Catherine Chircop
Carol Constan
Lisa Constan
Donald Dobrovich
Mary Frances Dull
Richard Fadoir
Vincent Fary
Norman Freda
Cynthia Fuoco
Michael Grigg
Debra Ann Hart
Randall Huettman
Marylou Ann Jansen
Charles Kleiber
Robert Koos
Andrew Korte
Susan Korte
David Krzywonos
Michael Lamb
Neil Lezotte
Janet Mack
Laurie Matzelt
Patrick McCarthy
Tammy McDonald
Robin McGarvey
Karla Methven
Denise Moore
Timothy Morgan
James Mrozowski
Michael Nalepa
Raymond Ochoa
Kevin O’Kennedy
Thomas Oliver
Mark Olson
Eileen O’Rourke
Michael Osaer
Cathleen Patrick
Daniel Perkins
David Plecha
Thomas Popiel
Kerry Puzio
Marguerite Roddy
Robert Schwagle
Susan Siemiesz
Katherine St. Pierre
Coleen Teschendorf
Kathleen Thompson
Patrick Uetz
Thomas Vecchioni
Robert Welker
Steven Wilk
Margaret Willette
Brian Wilson
Michelle Wright
Joseph Winslow Jr.
Gary Zarb
Anita Marie Zuk