When Fr. Leo J. DePlaunty was assigned by Cardinal Mooney to found the Parish, he bought the house and property at 5130 Pardee. This ranch style house was used as a temporary Chapel and Rectory. Week-day Mass was offered in this home and the beginnings of the Parish were planned there. On Sundays, Holy Mass was offered in Pardee School.

Soon the Parish would have a regular Sunday bulletin which would first appear in September, 1955. In the meantime, Fr. DePlaunty had to rely on announcements at the Sunday Masses and on articles in the St. Sebastian Arrow. St. Sebastian was the Mother Church in this area and the parishioners of the newly formed St. Albert the Great continued to send their children to St. Sebastian’s school until the St. Albert school was started. Between Sundays, Fr. DePlaunty offered Mass in the Rectory at 5130 Pardee, and conducted the business of the Parish from this address. In a letter to Mr. Oakley W. Best, Fr. DePlaunty wrote the following:

“Enclosed please find my check in the amount of $105.00 for two Services each Sunday from July 17 through August 28. As we have previously discussed, beginning with the first Sunday after Labor Day the Church of St. Albert the Great is having four services each Sunday, namely, 7:15, 8:15, 1:15, and 12:15. Since we have Holy days of obligation on November 1 and December 8, and I am fully aware that classes will be held on these dates, I am very pleased that you will allow our Parish to have services at 6:00 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. At this time, I would like to have you consider the possibility of utilizing the aforementioned multi-purpose room for midnight services Christmas Eve as well as the above schedule of services that will prevail each Sunday.”

“Thanking you for your kind attention to the affairs of the Parish of St. Albert the Great, I beg to
remain, Cordially yours.”

“Leo J. DePlaunty, Pastor”

Most of the little friends remember Pardee School as where their parents voted, but it was also the location of the first St. Albert’s Mass on July 17th, 1955. These services were temporary while the Church was being built, with parishioners seated on folding chairs rather than pews. Anyone who wished to receive Holy Communion at the Pardee Masses had to raise their hand so that the ushers could count the number before Father would resume mass. When receiving Holy Communion, the adults would stand on the floor as close to the stage as possible while children would come up on stage and kneel in a straight line. When the Church was nearing completion, they moved in a procession from Pardee School to the newly built St. Albert Church.

The first Mass at the Church proper was then held in May 14th, 1956 (dedication of the cornerstone) while the Church finished its construction and permanently left Pardee School May 20th, 1956. The Dedication Ceremony at the new Church would take place almost exactly one year later.

Fr. Leo J. DePlaunty at the First Mass
Procession leaving Pardee School for St. Albert’s
Procession entering the new Church still under construction
Construction still going on at the Church Vestibule

First Mass at the new Church, note the Crucifix without Christ