Vacation is all over and school starts this week. All students from the first to the eighth grade, inclusive, will assemble in the Church at one o clock on Tuesday, September 3rd. On Wednesday, September 4th, all students will come to Church for the Opening Mass of the School Year at nine o clock. Parents are invited to join with the faculty and students in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, invoking God’s blessings for the school year.
The book rental fee of $10.00 per child is payable on Tuesday or Wednesday. This fee must be paid now so that the School can pay for the books ordered during the summer.
St. Albert’s School has never charged tuition as such. In its place, each family with children in School is asked to contribute an additional $4,00 per month to the Building Fund. This amounts to an additional S40 per school year, or $1.00 per week, or .20p per school day. To the best of our knowledge, there are no families in this Parish who cannot afford this much. Since the average parishioner who does not have children in our school is contributing $100 per year to the Building Fund, families with children in School are asked to give $140 per year to the Fund. Those who feel they cannot take care of this are asked to consult the pastor immediately.