As the school year comes to an end and summer vacation begins we reflect upon the accomplishments
made during the year. It was a very good year thanks to the devout efforts of many people. Sincere
thanks to our dedicated faculty:
Sr. Lucina Sr. Vincent Miss Dzierwa Mrs. Sharp Mrs. O’Karma Mrs. Smith |
Mrs. Sark Sr. Ann Mrs. Cusick Sr. Rita Marie Miss Dion Sr. Margaret |
Miss Bernardine Sister Linda Miss Shea Miss Patalan Sr. Elizabeth |
Thanks also to the entire C.C.D. Program headed by Sr. Bridget, assisted by Mrs. Wm. Smith and a fine
group of dedicated C.C.D. Teachers. Our parish has many devoted parishioners who expend time and
effort in volunteer work. St. Albert’s is proud to have such fine people. Special thanks to the Office Staff
Mrs. Bova Mrs. Chevrier |
Mrs. Hammond Mrs. Lezotte |
Mrs. Raymond |
Lunch Program Committee: Mrs. LaMonica
Committee Health Chairman: Mrs. Popiel
Library Staff:
Mrs. Freda Mrs. Lorey Mrs. Valentine |
Mrs. Moylan Mrs. Kleiber Mrs. Vecchioni |
Mrs. Vadino Mrs. Koos Subs: Mrs. Teschendorf |
Gym Teachers: Mrs. Cosgro Mrs. Skalski Mrs. Siemiesz
Special thanks also to the Dads Club for the fine job they do with our Athletic Program:
Mr. Fadoir Mr. Nikolai |
Mr. Welker Mr. Mallia |
Mr. Bell Mr. Morgan |
Our list of names could go on and on…