Please remember that due to the pandemic, things are moving very slow. Below is the latest info that we have.

Thursday, March 18. Went through the CYO spreadsheets and found the needed trophy information for softball, baseball, and basketball.

Wednesday, March 17. CYO Detroit has the trophy records on excel spreadsheets and will be sending the information to us soon. Working with Sandy there.

Monday, March 15. Kim confirmed that plans are in the works for 3 display cases, one representing each parish, to be displayed at St. Maria Goretti parish (The St. Sebastian Site). Jan R is heading the project but does not expect anything to happen till late summer at the earliest.

Friday, March 12. Request information from CYO Detroit both email and phone call. Our questions were if they could tell us what years St. Alberts won CYO trophies in case we decide to replace them.

Thursday, March 11. Kim confirmed that St. Albert sports trophies are not at St. Sebastians or St. John the Baptist. We believed they were removed long before the transition, some items prior to 2000. We believe they are gone for good.

Monday, March 1. St. Albert plaques currently stored at St. John the Baptist until a way to display them is found.

Monday, March 1. Requested more information from Wayne Metro on the good work they do at St. Alberts.

Monday, Jan 11. Received photo’s of the plaques that were on display at St. Alberts so that I could preserve the names just in case something happens to them.