In late summer of 2020 a collaboration began on the “Class of ’75” facebook group between about 35 students from that class (and also input from students who were not on facebook). The class would collaborate on different moments from their time together at St. Albert’s, and when all the different collaborations were completed, would put them together in a story form. This meant that the stories in the book (and many that are here) have multiple authors sharing different memories that added to the story. In some cases the stories (and their memories) were completed literally piece by piece. The goal was to publish the book before the Holidays of 2020 so that St. Albert’s, despite closing earlier in the year, would still be remembered this holiday season and for many more in the future.
The book was fun and a “labor of love” as the class reunited for one last school project. The book published on time and was made available on Amazon at cost. The 162 page book topped out at #14 on the Christian Church History new releases (passing “Jesus From Outer Space” and “Evangelical Theology” in the process). It also topped out at #3 on the Extended Family new releases! A brief summary of the book is given on the back page and it is shown below.
“Childhood friendship are stored in a collective foundation of the human heart where future loves and friendships are built upon. This is the story of one such friendship with contributions from most of the class including Jim Abell, Cathy Blevins, Mike Borg, John Bova, Debra Deb, Kathy Hammond, Eileen O’Rourke-Harabedian, Charles Kleiber, Neil Lezotte, Dianna M. Ball-Markin, Bernadine Mack,Patrick McCarthy,Jim Mrozowski, Mark Olson, Mike Osaer, Cathie Padden, Irene Patalan, Danny Perkins, Sue Siemiesz, Peggy Shank, Tom Vecchioni, Janet Mack Zaloga”
A revision is planned for the Fall of 2021 and the original book with all its charm is still available at Amazon books for $4.68.
Of course the main reason for the success of the book moving up the ranks in Amazon was because the little friends were buying it from their locations all across the country. However some of the little friends could not help themselves and reverted back to their joking ways during their St. Albert days as shown in the picture below (shared only in private messages until now).