There are special moments in everyone’s life where they remember exactly where they were as if it was yesterday when it happened. This may be a first dance, a first kiss, or simply holding hands and going for a walk under the moonlight for a first time. Many of these moments were shared with the Class of ’75 at parties they would put on at various students homes.

The music at that time was provided by 45 rpm records that played on a phonograph. You could stack four or five of these 45’s on top of each other on the phonograph and it would play them automatically one by one … if you were lucky. Some of the time the phonograph would drop two 45’s and the unfortunate song on the bottom would have to wait till all the songs were played before it would inevitably be placed manually on the phonograph again to play.

The host of the party would often call friends to try and collect as many 45 records so that there would be a good selection of songs without having to repeat them too often. In addition, if someone requested a certain song you had a much better chance of being able to play that song should you have a larger selection.

Most of these songs were slow songs that you could slow dance to such as “Good Bye Yellow Brick Road”, “Alone Again Naturally”, and “Nights In White Satin”. The style of dance was a simplified “waddle” (for lack of a better term) between two people but to the little friends the music was symphonic and the dance was like floating on air.

Yes, there was the occasional “making out” and games like spin the bottle being played at these events. However it was great times and great memories that were being made at these parties, and there were several parties during their tenure. James A had a party, Mike B had a party, Debbie H had a party, Jim M had a party, and Lisa C had a party and all of them were good innocent fun. Robin M had a Halloween party where the little friends could dress up to win a costume contest. Eileen O won the girls category for Aunt Jemima and Tom V won the boys category dressed as a cheerleader.

On one occasion, while playing spin the bottle, a distinctive odor and taste were on some of the lips of some of the participants. This was not explained until after the party when the host’s Mom asked her son “How did you and your friends like those new chips”?

“They were terrible Mom, no one liked them, they made all our breaths’ stink” said the little host. Mom replied “They are called Doritos’s and they just came into the store this week. Too bad – I kind of liked them”.